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This pack contains 100 unique assets to create your own graveyards!
Customize your gravestones with modular pieces, decorate your scenes with spooky assets and add remains of unlucky travelers to spice up your halloween soup!
3D assets:
33 modular gravestone assets, 20 preassembled gravestone prefabs, 5 stonegraves, 4 columns, 9 shrooms, 2 trees, broom, 2 buckets, a bucket filled with candy, 7 candles, 3 coffins, 4 dirtpiles, 2 leafpiles, 4 carved pumpkins, scythe, shovel, 9 bones, including skull, ribs and pelvis, 3 spiderwebs, streetlamp, well, wheelbarrow, witchhat.
2 wood textures, wood planks texture, stonebricks, 2 metal textures, spiderweb, various prop textures, 2 terrain textures, dirt and leaves, skybox